Translate content. Measure results.

Smartling’s data-driven approach to localization gives your team a shared framework for measuring, communicating and improving translation performance.

Translation measurement starts in the cloud.

Centralizing your translations into a single platform does more than simplify the process of end-to-end management. It enables you to capture data and insights into your translation program that will propel your team to release new content faster.

For some, it will unlock ways to significantly alter a workflow, and for others it will unlock foundational information that guides your budgeting, resource management and return on investment.


Translation Quality Metrics


Workflow Reporting
Actionable data insights to optimize your translation process.


Quality Confidence Score
The first predictive, machine learning-powered measure of translation quality.


Linguistic Quality Assurance 
Evaluate translation quality with customizable error typologies.

Why Translation Quality Metrics Matter

Today’s consumer experience is either entirely digital, or complimented by digital content. Words in your app, your website, shopping cart or your help center engage users, and to be competitive on the global scale, these words have to be translated. With more content being created and translated, the margin for error and gain also increases. Smartling measures this margin, and simplifies your ability to manage translation at scale.

Identify and remove translation bottlenecks.

With cost estimates and translation savings reports, you can stay within budget and track the effectiveness of your translation memory over time.


Understand your translation costs.

With cost estimates and translation savings reports, you can stay within budget and track the effectiveness of your translation memory over time.


A common language for quality.

Imagine an algorithm designed to compute billions of data points related to translation quality. What impact would this have on understanding and managing translation quality at scale? We did. And then, we built it.

Quality Confidence Score™ provides a real-time view of translation quality across your projects, languages, and translation providers. It gives you a prioritized set of actions that will have the most meaningful impact on improving translation quality. For example, if a translation job doesn’t have visual context, the score is lower, and the advice is to provide context.


Quality Evaluations done your way.

LQA is a human-driven process that facilitates the objective evaluation of translation quality. Smartling's LQA tools let you customize the error schema and configure where in your workflow you want to review translations. The data generated from these reviews can be used for strategic decision making and to measure whether service level agreements are satisfied.


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Big data. Simple analysis.

Smartling enables you to get a birds eye view of your supply chain and your costs with on-demand reports built into the platform.

Workflow Velocity
How much time is content spending in each stage of your translation workflow?

Workflow Changes
How much value is each workflow step adding towards improving translation quality?

Cost Savings
How much money was saved with translation memory?

Cost Estimates
How much money will it cost to translate a project, including savings from your translation memory?


How translation analytics have impacted customers

The insights gained by customers using Smartling analytics have resulted in a wide range of optimizations to their translation programs, including:

  • Centralization of all content to Smartling
  • Enhanced configurations to maximize visual context coverage
  • Segmentation of content to specific workflows to control costs
  • Sprints to improve glossaries and style guides
  • Introduction of translation job automation to reduce project management
  • Reprogramming of translation memory leverage settings
  • Simplified process for reporting back to the business on return on investment

The result? A “game-changing” approach to managing translation.


Trinh Nguyen
Project Manager, Dialpad

The vital role that Smartling plays in my day-to-day is efficiency. Now that I've mastered the platform and have automated most of our translation process, I'm able to spend my time on my main tasks at hand. It's a real game-changer."


Join the Ranks.

Smartling is the #1 rated Translation Management System by users on G2.

Why wait to translate smarter?

Chat with someone on the Smartling team to see how we can help you get more out of your budget by delivering the highest quality translations, faster, and at significantly lower costs.