Smartling Connector for Adobe Workfront

Integrate and automate translation project management

Smartling - Adobe Workfront

Smartling’s Connector for Adobe Workfront streamlines translation project management by eliminating tedious manual tasks. Users can effortlessly submit, assign, and automatically receive completed translation tasks directly within Workfront. This integration simplifies job creation and accelerates time-to-market for translated content.

Effortless translation task management

This integration allows users to send Workfront tasks and associated documents directly to Smartling for translation. Once completed, the translated documents are automatically downloaded and attached to the corresponding Workfront task, reducing the need for manual uploads and downloads and minimizing the potential for error. Additionally, users gain real-time visibility into the translation status directly within Workfront, eliminating the need to frequently switch between systems.

Smartling Language Services

Smartling Language Services customers experience faster times to market, lower costs, and guaranteed quality.

When you combine Smartling’s translation platform features with professional translators, you get:

- Reduced time to market by up to 90%
- Reduced translation costs by up to 60%
- Complete transparency of the entire process
- Fast issue resolution via direct communication with linguists
- Low or no vendor management
- Expertise in Smartling platform features, CAT tool, and integrations
- 100% quality guarantee

Learn More About Smartling Language Services

Translator with Speech Nao

Ready to integrate Adobe Workfront with Smartling?

If you’d like to learn more about the integration with Adobe Workfront or try it out for yourself, reach out to us today!